Terms & Conditions

By booking through the Global Air Vip website, all clients automatically agree with the Terms and Conditions set by Global Air Vip.

1. Collection of Information

2. Retention and transfer of Personal Data

Data provided by you will be retained for such period as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes stated in this privacy policy and in any event, for as long as required by the data protection laws and/or applicable local law.

Data collected by us in order to carry out the purposes or directly related purposes stated in this privacy policy will be stored in our databases, which may include personal data such as guest name, address, email, and/or phone numbers. All personal data stored in our databases are encrypted and treated as confidential information.

3. Purposes for Collection and Use of Personal Data

4. Disclosure of Personal Data

You authorize us to use and share personal data provided by you within Global Air Vip and its affiliated businesses, and the suppliers who provide services to assist in fulfilling the purposes, or directly related purposes for which the personal data was collected, or as required under the relevant laws.

You understand that it is an inherent part of our business to provide you quality services and facilities owned, managed and/or operated by us or our affiliated businesses.

5. Access Rights

You may request to access and to correct your Personal Data held by us. If you wish to obtain a copy of any of such Personal Data, or if you believe that such Personal Data is incorrect, or if you believe that such Personal Data was used beyond the scope of the purposes or directly related purposes as stated in this Privacy Policy or was acquired by fraudulent or unlawful means, please contact us by emailing bookings@gbairvip.com

6. Access Rights

You accept and agree that we shall have the discretion to amend this privacy policy upon reasonable notice where it is possible and practical to give such notice. Any revised version of this privacy policy shall be effective as at the date of publication on website.

7. Contact

You may contact us by emailing bookings@gbairvip.com if you have any concerns or requests about this privacy policy or how we have been using your Personal Data.